Wisco Home Goods
LGBTQ+ Owned Jessica Koopman LGBTQ+ Owned Jessica Koopman

Wisco Home Goods

Wisco Home Goods takes pride in offering a diverse range of soy candles, each one meticulously hand-poured to infuse homes with captivating fragrances while prioritizing eco-friendly and sustainable practices. We also showcases a selection of natural body care products, emphasizing the importance of self-care and the use of wholesome ingredients.

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MLRosko Fitness
LGBTQ+ Owned Jessica Koopman LGBTQ+ Owned Jessica Koopman

MLRosko Fitness

I am a fitness coach specializing in helping my clients make changes that LAST, so they can get off the diet & exercise rollercoaster & enjoy their lives to the fullest. I take a compassionate, holistic approach with my clients, emphasizing small changes over time, rather than quick fixes. I do 1:1 coaching sessions & health workshops, but my main focus is helping you get the fitness results you want through my online program.

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Jessica Koopman Life & Business Coaching
LGBTQ+ Owned Jessica Koopman LGBTQ+ Owned Jessica Koopman

Jessica Koopman Life & Business Coaching

Is there something in your life that you’re not happy about? It could be your job or that promotion that just isn’t coming, your health, the way you look, a relationship that’s not working. Can you picture it? How does it feel? How much better would you life be if you had a grip on that thing? What if you could change it? Work with it?

You may be thinking, THAT’S what I’ve been trying to do all my life! Nothing works! Well, that’s probably true, nothing you’ve tried yet has worked. So how do you achieve success in these things in life? You must learn new skills.

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