Jessica Koopman Life & Business Coaching

Jessica Koopman

Is there something in your life that you’re not happy about? It could be your job or that promotion that just isn’t coming, your health, the way you look, a relationship that’s not working. Can you picture it? How does it feel? How much better would you life be if you had a grip on that thing? What if you could change it? Work with it?

You may be thinking, THAT’S what I’ve been trying to do all my life! Nothing works! Well, that’s probably true, nothing you’ve tried yet has worked. So how do you achieve success in these things in life? You must learn new skills.

How do you do that? You might be asking. Well, that’s where a teacher, coach, or mentor comes in. Most of us in life aren’t lucky enough to have a friend, parent or mentor that’s just there to help us with all these things because they’ve already achieved success and studied how to relate that to others. That’s where a coach comes into play.

You can see growth and change in your life and reach your goals. For the last 8 years I’ve been working with clients who felt just like you do, but have found the success they were longing for in life!

Mobile: (608) 215-6608

My Message to the LGBTQ+ Community

Being a member of the LGBTQ community comes with all sorts of unique challenges that your average coach will never be able to understand fully. Coming out as trans has been one of the most rewarding and exciting things of my life, but also one of the hardest and most stressful! I’ve only gotten to be where I am today because of all the coaching, therapy and mentorship I’ve been fortunate enough to receive. Life is so hard to just survive alone, to say nothing of thriving!

If you’re even a little curious what coaching could do for you, please reach out and lets meet. I’d love to help you find the happiness and success you’ve always felt you deserved!


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